Important Publications:
- Big data study of COVID-19, cultural change, and behavior change by Noah F.G. Evers, Patricia M. Greenfield, Gabriel W. Evers, 02/2021.
- Staying connected during stay-at-home: Communication with family and friends and its association with well-being by Genavee Brown, Patricia M. Greenfield, 02/2021.
- Cooperative play and globalized social change: Mexican children are less cooperative in 2017 than in 1967 by Camilo Garcia, Patricia M.Greenfield, Axel M. Navarro-Hernández, Jannethe Colorado-García, Tania María Vidaña-Rivera, 01/2021.
- Just published and in the news: Five days at outdoor education camp without screens improves preteen skills with nonverbal emotion cues by Yalda T. Uhls, Minas Michikyan, Jordan Morris, Debra Garcia, Gary W. Small, Eleni Zgourou, & Patricia M. Greenfield. Computers in Human Behavior, 2014.
- The Value of Fame: Preadolescent Perceptions of Popular Media and Their Relationships to Future Aspirations by Yalda T. Uhls and Patricia Greenfield
- Greenfield presented Implications of Technology for Child and Adolescent Development at the U.S. Department of Education office of safe and drug free schools, Making the Connection
- The Rise of Fame: An Historical Content Analysis by Yalda T. Uhls and Dr. Patricia Greenfield.
- Press release- CDMC: I Want My Fame TV: UCLA study finds that tweens receive a clear message from their favorite TV shows: Fame is the most important value.
- Press release – UCLA: Popular TV shows teach children fame is most important value, UCLA psychologists report
- Time article – Number one value in Tween Television: Being Famous
- Philadelphia Inquirer – Study: T.V. warps kids.
- Parent Dish – T.V. tells kids fame is the most important thing in life, study finds.
- A shift toward self, UCLA Magazine
- Ts – Si – Television: Fame No. 1 Value for 9 – to 11 year olds.
- Time Healthland article that discusses Uhls and Greenfield study on fame. The title of the article is called Is TV teaching kids to value fame above all?
- Yalda T. Uhls spoke on Southern California Public Radio. The title of her interview is Fame as family value? Tween shows promote celebrity. You can listen directly to her interview by clicking here.
- Yalda T. Uhls spoke on Southern California Public Radio along with Senator Ted Lieu. The topic of their discussion is Sexting punishable by expulsion. You can listen directly to their discussion by clicking here.
- In February, Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Peggy Orenstein spoke at Google, Santa Monica about their respective books. The video of the event will be on the Google channel series.
- Digital Youth: The role of media in Development by Kaveri Subrahmanyam and David Šmahel.
- Understanding the Online Teen Media Scene, A review of Digital Youth: The role of media in Development. By Jeanne Brockmyer
- Cinderella ate my daughter: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture by Peggy Orenstein.
- Uhls, Y. T., Espinoza, G., Greenfield, P., Subrahmanyam, K., & Šmahel, D. (in press, June 2011). Internet and other active media. In B. B. Brown & R.Silbereisen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence, Oxford: Elsevier.
- Greenfield presented at the Digital Media and Learning conference. The conference took place in Long Beach, March 3-5, 2011.
Yalda T. Uhls was co-chair and presenter at SRCD on April 1, 2011. From Texting to Social Networking Sites to Virtual Worlds: Examining Youth Media Practices. - Greenfield presented Social Change, Culture and Human Development: The Role of Technology, on Friday, Dec. 9, 2010, Centre for the Study of New Literacies, The School of Education, The University of Sheffield.
- Also presented as a keynote address to the International Colloquium, Childhood and Cultures (Enfances et Cultures), Paris, France on Wednesday Dec. 15, 2010 (sponsored by the French Ministry of Communication and Culture and the University of Paris.)
- Yalda T. Uhls on
- Subrahmanyam on Fox News January 7, 2011
- Patricia M. Greenfield (2009). Technology and Informal Education: What is taught and what is learned, Science, 323, 69-71.
- Shu-Sha Angie Guan and Kaveri Subrahmanyam (2009). Current Opinions in Psychiatry (in press) Youth Internet use: Risks and opportunities
- Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Eddie Garcia, Stella Lidwina Harsono, Janice Li, and Lawrence Lipana (2009). In their worlds: Connecting Online Weblogs to Developmental Processes (2009). British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 219-245
- Patricia Greenfield (2008). Living online: Implications for Development and Developmental Methodology. ISSBD Newsletter, No. 2, Serial No. 54, 1-4.
- Kaveri Subrahmanyam (2008). Communicating Online: Adolescents Relationships and the Media. The Future of Children; Children and Media Technology, 18, 119-146.
- Kaveri Subrahmanyam and Gloria Lin (2007). Adolescents on the Net: Internet Use and Well-being Adolescence , Vol. 42, No. 168, Winter 2007
- David Šmahel, Ph. D and Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Ph.D. (2007). “Any girls want to chat press 911”: Partner Selection on Monitored and Unmonitored teen chat rooms Cyberpsychology and Behavior Volume 10, Number 3.
- Greenfield, P. M., Gross, E. F., Subrahmanyam, K., Suzuki, L. K., & Tynes, B. (2006). Teens on the Internet: Interpersonal Connection, Identity, and Information. In R. Kraut (Ed.), Information Technology at Home. Oxford University Press.
- Developmental Psychology Volume 42, Issue 3, (May 2006) , Special Section: Children, Adolescents and the Internet, Guest Editors: Zheng Yan and Patricia M. Greenfield
- Greenfield, P.M. and Yan, Z. (2006). Children, Adolescents, and the Internet: A New Field of Inquiry in.
- Kaveri Subrahmanyam, David Šmahel and Patricia M. Greenfield (2006). Connecting Developmental Constructions to the Internet: Identity Presentation and Sexual Exploration in online Teen Chat Rooms.
- Developing Children, Developing Media – Research from Television to the Internet from the Children’s Digital Media Center: A special issue dedicated to the memory of Rodney R. Cocking. Edited by P.M. Greenfield and S.L. Calvert.
- Greenfield, P.M. and Calvert, S.L. Electronic media and human development: The legacy of Rodney R. Cocking
- Elisheva F. Gross (2004). Adolescents Internet use: What we expect, what teens report.
- Subrahmanyam, K., Greenfield, P. and Tynes, B. (2005). Constructing sexuality and identity in an online teen chat room
- Tynes, B., Reynolds, L. and Greenfield, P. (2004). Adolescents, race and ethnicity on the Internet: A comparison of discourse in monitored vs. unmonitored chat rooms.
- Suzuki, L.K. and Calszo, J.P. The search for peer advice in cyberspace: An examination of online teen bulletin boards about health and sexuality. Lalita K. Suzuki and Jerel P. Calzo
- Greenfield, P. (2004). Inadvertent exposure to pornography on the Internet: Implications of peer-to peer flie-sharing networks for child development and families.
- Greenfield, P. (2004). Developmental considerations for determining appropriate Internet use guidelines for children and adolescents.
- Greenfield, P.M. & Subrahmanyam, K. (2003). Online discourse in a teen chatroom: New codes and new modes of coherence in a visual medium.
- Suzuki, L.K. and Beale, I.L. (2006). Personal web home pages of adolescents with cancer: Self-presentation, information dissemination and interpersonal connection Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing.
- Steen, F. F., Greenfield, P.M., Davies, M.S. and Tynes, B. (2006). What went wrong with the Sims online: Cultural learning and barriers to identification in a massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
- Subrahmanyam, K., Greenfield, P.M., Kraut, R. & Gross, E. (2001). The impact of computer use on children’s and adolescents’ development. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology
- Suzuki, L. K. & Kato, P. M. (2003). Psychosocial support for patients in pediatric oncology: The influences of parents, schools, peers and technology.
- Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Special Issue: Social Networking on the internet; Developmental Implications Volume 9, Issue 6, 2008, Guest Editors: Patricia Greenfield and Kaveri Subrahmanyam
- Greenfield, P.M. and Subrahmanyam, K. Virtual Worlds in Development: Implications of Social Networking Sites
- Subrahmanyam, K., Reich, S.M., Waechter, N., and Espinoza, G. Online and Offline Social Networks: Use of Social Networking Sites by Emerging Adults
- Manago, A.M., Graham, M.B., Greenfield, P.M. and Salimkhan, G. Self-presentation and Gender on MySpace
- Other articles in this issue include:
- Steinfield, C., Ellison, N.B. and Lampe, C. (2008). Social capital, self-esteem, and use of online social networking sites: A longitudinal analysis
- The association of parenting style and child age with parental limit setting and adolescent MySpace behavior Larry D. Rosen, Nancy A. Cheever and L. Mark Carrier
- Useful resources, important messages: The explosion of parenting books on adolescents and social networking sites Zheng Yan